It's a complete recollection of everything that happened that night:
- Team Freestyle, a long clip of the three teams that performed in the finals as well as a separate clip for each routine.
Teams: Struz / Simku, Mayo / Garcia and Sládek / Tucek
All the routines were nice but the top 2 stand out with more preparation and much more preparation in the case of the winners
- Women's routines also includes a long clip of the 5 finalists in the order that they performed and a separate clip for each of them.Women: Chrissy Fryer, Dorota Wojtasiuk, Caroline Birch, Cassandra Taylor and Paloma Mayo.
Most of the women would probably want to have a chance to redeem themselves in their routines but the champion Paloma Mayo from Spain who offered us a historical dropless routine for the win. First time a spanyard wins the routines in any open category at Worlds.
- By now you probably know the recipe, one long clip and one solo for each of the performers Men' routines: Jakub Mosciszewski, Ken Somolinos, Taishi Ishida, Jim Penske, Evan Gatesman, Nick Landes, Vasek Klouda and Milan Benda.
This finals round of routines was something. All the men performed with high difficulty levels and control from the 8th to the first. Vasek Klouda was the only one to perform a dropless routine but the highest drop count was 2 which is awesome at this level. Milan Benda from Czech Republic took the crown with an intensensely energetic display.
- Finally the Circle Contest was separated in two phases, Variety and Density and I produced a clip for each.
Circle contest: Milan Benda, Jim Penske, Evan Gatesman and the king Vasek Klouda.
I wasn't sure about circle being displayed on stage like this as sometimes it's hard to film as the 4 contestants are all there. This time up the stage was big enough so that when each of the players took their turn there was more than enough room to shoot at a cleared angle. This turned out to be great all four players offered crazy tricks and strings with Vasek Klouda and Milan Benda clearly on top. Vasek, the footbag freestyle living legend, hooked up another Gold medal to his already impressive collection.
Well I hope that you'll enjoy the trailer and like it enough to buy the entire collection of clips from the 2015 World Footbag Championships Freestyle Finals Night.